Our focus is continuous improvement and innovation. We work behind the scenes, overseeing the Rozsa, MUB, our golf course and ski hill, dining services, and more. Team members set the tone that makes Michigan Tech warm and welcoming to enable all Huskies to do their best while experiencing a high quality of life. Our First Friday University Socials run throughout the academic year the first Friday of each much from 4-6 PM. Locations and topics change, but the intent is always the same– to form relationships and increase a culture of equity.
Visit Department WebsiteOur focus is continuous improvement and innovation. We work behind the scenes, overseeing the Rozsa, MUB, our golf course and ski hill, dining services, and more. Team members set the tone that makes Michigan Tech warm and welcoming to enable all Huskies to do their best while experiencing a high quality of life. Our First Friday University Socials run throughout the academic year the first Friday of each much from 4-6 PM. Locations and topics change, but the intent is always the same– to form relationships and increase a culture of equity.
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Administration and Auxiliary Services has no upcoming events
Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 11 am–1 pm
Memorial Union Building (MUB), Ballroom
FREENo recent activity