Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the University’s governing body. The government of Michigan Tech, the conduct of the University's affairs, and the control of the University's property is vested in a board of eight members and who are appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice of the Senate. Board members address institutional governing bylaws, tuition rates and fees, and appointing and removing personnel, among other legislative actions. The Board meets five times per calendar year. Any individual who wishes to address the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Technological University should file such intent with the Secretary of the Board 10 business days prior to the posted meeting date.

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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the University’s governing body. The government of Michigan Tech, the conduct of the University's affairs, and the control of the University's property is vested in a board of eight members and who are appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice of the Senate. Board members address institutional governing bylaws, tuition rates and fees, and appointing and removing personnel, among other legislative actions. The Board meets five times per calendar year. Any individual who wishes to address the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Technological University should file such intent with the Secretary of the Board 10 business days prior to the posted meeting date.


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