Ecosystem Science Center

Humans, non-human organisms, and the abiotic environment create a complex set of socio-ecological processes, patterns, interactions, and connections. The Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) aims to advance our knowledge of this inherent complexity of social-ecological systems. Our members conduct research in ecosystem ecology, ecosystem response to global change, climate change adaptation and mitigation, carbon sequestration and bioenergy, plant, wildlife, aquatic and community ecology, invasive species, decomposition, and ecosystem restoration.

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Aerial view of a stream through a fall forest.

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Ecosystem Science Center

Humans, non-human organisms, and the abiotic environment create a complex set of socio-ecological processes, patterns, interactions, and connections. The Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) aims to advance our knowledge of this inherent complexity of social-ecological systems. Our members conduct research in ecosystem ecology, ecosystem response to global change, climate change adaptation and mitigation, carbon sequestration and bioenergy, plant, wildlife, aquatic and community ecology, invasive species, decomposition, and ecosystem restoration.


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