Mathematical Sciences degree students undergo a rigorous curriculum in a vibrant environment for professional development and scientific discourse. We offer exciting programs for both undergraduate and graduate students, while providing the foundation in mathematics that is crucial to the education of Michigan Tech students. Our faculty, along with students, model combustion in diesel engines, use advanced statistics to find the genetic basis of complex diseases, and develop communication theories needed for future quantum computers.
Visit Department WebsiteMathematical Sciences degree students undergo a rigorous curriculum in a vibrant environment for professional development and scientific discourse. We offer exciting programs for both undergraduate and graduate students, while providing the foundation in mathematics that is crucial to the education of Michigan Tech students.
Our faculty, along with students, model combustion in diesel engines, use advanced statistics to find the genetic basis of complex diseases, and develop communication theories needed for future quantum computers.
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Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 1 pm–2 pm
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Building, 106
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