Our very own 160 acre, University golf course offers two distinct nines–the Pilgrim (front) and Portage (back). The Course was rated one of the top 18-hole courses in the Upper Peninsula by In Pursuit of 1000 golf courses. In our Clubhouse, stop by the Pro Shop and “Par” and Grill. We are hometurf for our men’s and women’s golf teams and men’s and women’s leagues. We offer brand “demo days” and scrambles throughout the season.
Visit Department WebsiteOur very own 160 acre, University golf course offers two distinct nines–the Pilgrim (front) and Portage (back). The Course was rated one of the top 18-hole courses in the Upper Peninsula by In Pursuit of 1000 golf courses. In our Clubhouse, stop by the Pro Shop and “Par” and Grill. We are hometurf for our men’s and women’s golf teams and men’s and women’s leagues. We offer brand “demo days” and scrambles throughout the season.
Portage Lake Golf Course (PLGC) has no upcoming events
Saturday, June 1, 2024, 9 am
Portage Lake Golf Course, Portage Lake Golf Course
Friday, May 3, 2024, 3 pm–7 pm
Portage Lake Golf Course, Portage Lake Golf Course
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