Staff Council

If our students are crazy smart, our staff council members are crazy awesome. Staff Council Meetings are open to all Michigan Tech staff. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month in a MUB ballroom. Staff council assists the University in three important ways: 1) by recognizing outstanding performance and ongoing dedicated service by staff members; 2) maximizing the use of talents and resources of the staff to support educational programs and to develop and strengthen professionalism among staff, and 3) providing events and opportunities to enhance the University’s working environment.

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Staff Council

If our students are crazy smart, our staff council members are crazy awesome. Staff Council Meetings are open to all Michigan Tech staff. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month in a MUB ballroom. Staff council assists the University in three important ways: 1) by recognizing outstanding performance and ongoing dedicated service by staff members; 2) maximizing the use of talents and resources of the staff to support educational programs and to develop and strengthen professionalism among staff, and 3) providing events and opportunities to enhance the University’s working environment.


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