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Analytical Electron Microscopy at Nanoscale

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Thursday, February 13, 2020, 4 pm

This is a past event.

Recent Advances in ACMAL STEM Facility

ME-EM Graduate Seminar Speaker Series

proudly presents:

Pinaki Mukherjee, PhD

Michigan Technological University

Abstract: This talk presents an overview of state-of-the-art capabilities of the aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (ac-STEM) at ACMAL, Michigan Tech. The FEI Titan Themis microscope we have here is one of a kind in the whole nation in terms of capabilities. These capabilities have been developed in last two years and most of them are already available for users. We have a wide range of imaging and spectroscopic techniques that enables a user to identify elements at atomic scale (~ 0.1 nm). This talk will show important results obtained from the microscope using— high resolution TEM (HRTEM), high angle annular dark field imaging in scanning TEM mode (HAADF-STEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) techniques. Going one-step further, this talk will present some very interesting elemental mapping in 3D using our recently commissioned tomography holder.

Apart from these ex-situ techniques, we have holders for various in-situ and in-operando measurements, such as— liquid electrochemical cell, heating, electrical biasing, and nanoindentation holders. We have commissioned electrochemistry and heating holders and other two holders are on the way. Keeping the pace up with the international community, we are planning to upgrade the microscope for 4D STEM where the microscope will generate direct and reciprocal space information from a sample at atomic resolution.

Bio: Dr. Pinaki Mukherjee, who has joined Michigan Tech in January 2018, will deliver the presentation. He obtained his PhD in Materials Engineering from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He worked as a post-doctorate researcher at Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey. He was an affiliate of National Center for Electron Microscopy, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Invited by: Susanta Ghosh

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