Events Calendar

Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Brunch

This is a past event.

Monday, January 15, 2024, 10 am– 12 pm

This is a past event.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee is proud to announce the 35th Annual MLK Jr Day Celebration on Monday, January 15, 2024 at 10 AM in the Ballroom of the Memorial Union Building and welcomes back 2018 Michigan Tech Alumni, Jaylyn Boone, as our Keynote speaker. To honor Dr. King’s legacy, this year’s celebratory meal will be a brunch so we as a community can commemorate and honor the legacy of Dr. King and continue to create meaningful change through acts of kindness and service to others. Sign up now by using the 35th Annual MLK Brunch Sign Up Sheet.


Thank you to our sponsors who have helped make this event free for students to attend. This program is partially sponsored by the Visiting Professor Program which is funded by a grant to the Office of the Provost from the State of Michigan's King-Chavez-Parks Initiative. 

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  • Ellie Sackrider
  • Elorm Gomli

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