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Augmenting Radio Environments for Better Wireless Ecosystems

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Virtual Event

Thursday, February 25, 2021, 4 pm

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ME-EM Virtual Graduate Seminar Speaker Series

proudly presents

Lan (Emily) Zhang, PhD

Michigan Technological University


In the last several decades, wireless technologies are well-established to fight against propagation obstacles. Most conventional efforts are focused on optimizing at end devices, e.g., transmitter and receiver, to adapt to the given transmission environment for better communications. However, the recently rapid convergence of cyber and physical worlds (e.g., the Cyber-Physical Systems or CPSs) unprecedentedly challenges the aforementioned wisdom of conventional design. Given the ever-growing service demands as well as the diverse wireless application scenarios, it is critical to adaptively augment the radio environments in a cost-effective way while maintaining the aesthetic nature of the living environments.

In this talk, a serial of studies will be presented by leveraging smart-surfaces, e.g., meta-surfaces or reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), to augment radio environments for various purposes. Specifically, we will focus on three promising areas for enhancing the throughput and reliability of wireless communications, mitigating the physical-layer security threats, and facilitating wireless sensing activities, respectively. Both the model-based methods and the learning-based methods will be used for theoretical and practical analysis.


Dr. Lan Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University. She received the PhD degree in computer engineering from the University of Florida in 2020, and the MS and BEng degrees in telecommunication engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2016 and 2013, respectively. Her research interest spans across the fields of cyber-physical systems, distributed machine learning, wireless communications, and cybersecurity. Dr. Zhang has been appointed an editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT). She served as the technical program committee (TPC) member in several high-quality conferences, such as NeurIPS-SpicyFL 2020 and IEEE INFOCOM poster/demo section 2020, 2021. She also served as the reviewer of several leading journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Computing, etc.

Invited by: Radheshyam Tewari

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