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Dr. Bernard Kim
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Biology
Stanford University
Los Angeles, California
Clade-scale genomics for precise inference of natural selection in the fly Family Drosophilidae
Abstract: In a large collaborative effort with many members of the fly community, we are working to systematically and comprehensively sequence most of the >4,400 species of the model family Drosophilidae. In addition to building new genomes, we are generating population-genomic data by sequencing both inbred laboratory lines and individual flies collected from the wild. This will be a powerful genomic resource for the scientific community, enabling genomic analyses at unprecedented resolution through the saturation of both substitution and population-genomic data at nearly every possible nucleotide site. In my presentation, I will show how this saturation regime allows us to confidently identify signatures of natural selection on new mutations at the resolution of single genes or even protein domains, to detect both parallel evolutionary forces and systematic shifts in natural selection between drosophilid species groups, and to characterize selection acting on specific Drosophila tissues or cell types. This work is the first step in building a clade-scale genomic toolkit for dissecting signatures of evolution on individual genes, through the fly body, and across macro-evolutionary time.
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