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Career Fair is exciting and sometimes overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be. Be ready to meet company representatives who have the power to give you an internship, co-op, or full-time position.
Before Career Fair Checklist
Review our Career Fair Prep resources Create or update your resume Visit Career Services to meet with a Career Advisor, or attend one of the many Resume Blitzes during CareerFEST. Upload your resume to Handshake Review the list of companies attending Career Fair either in Handshake or on our Career Fair Plus App (iOS or Android). Identify the companies you may be interested in working for Obtain a printed professional name tag before Career Fair. Plan your wardrobe. Check out our Dress for Success presentations and discover many ways to find affordable business attire.
Then research and learn:
- What they do, their location(s), and size
- Their products and services
- What’s being said and written about them in their industry
- Find info sessions with your target companies through Handshake and/or our website
- Attend CareerFEST to learn about companies that might be a great fit for you
During Career Fair
- While you stand in line, review your notes. When it’s your turn, walk up to the company rep with a smile and a firm handshake. Thank them for coming (they’ve traveled a long way) and introduce yourself. Speaking for about a minute, include:
- Name, hometown, field of study, and class standing (20 seconds)
- Hands-on experience in industry, enterprise, research, and class projects (20 seconds)
- What you like to do outside the classroom (20 seconds)
- Then give the recruiter your resume. When your turn is over, ask for the recruiter's business card and/or their name for possible follow-up.
After Career Fair
- When you walk away from a company booth, write down the company representative’s full name and two things you talked about.
- If you don’t get an interview this time, send a follow-up letter to the recruiter within 48 hours. Thank him/her for their time in meeting with you at Career Fair and reiterate your interest in their company. Plus, mention the two things you talked about. They’ll appreciate your follow-up and will remember you for next time.
Career Fair Tips
- Write notes and bring them with you—you can review them while you’re in line.
- Apply for jobs through Handshake or directly through company websites before attending Career Fair. Companies will ask you to apply before they interview you; you can tell them you already did and they’ll be impressed!