This is a past event.
Assessment coordinators and other interested faculty are invited to the "Mapping Success: A Guide to Undergraduate Program Assessment" workshop hosted by the Assessment Council and the Office of Assessment for Curricular Effectiveness (ACE).
Note: This event is open to all interested faculty. Attendance by degree program assessment coordinators is encouraged but not required.
Please register to attend by 5PM on Tuesday, Oct. 8.
The goal of program assessment is curricular quality: the program’s faculty community establishes a common vision, monitors student achievement of the program’s student learning outcomes to ensure alignment/effectiveness, and makes improvements as needed.
With the launch of Essential Education in fall 2025 with its own outcomes (called Essential Abilities), the focus of degree program assessment will shift from University learning goals to the degree program’s own student learning outcomes.
The workshop supports this shift and provides an overview of items due Dec. 6.
Welcome and Introduction
Workshop goals
Importance of undergraduate program assessment
Overview of program assessment
Establishing the program’s student learning outcomes (aka PLOs or SOs)
Mapping these outcomes to required curricular elements (aka curriculum mapping)
Identifying assessment points and measures
Collecting and evaluating learning-outcome data
Using data to improve curricular effectiveness
Next Steps (Due Dec. 6) - Description of assessment and evaluation process, which includes:
List of student outcomes, curriculum map, and 6-year assessment schedule
Descriptions of assessment instruments (what is assessed, who does it, rubrics used, performance targets, etc.)
Description of the process that is used to evaluate the assessment results (committees that review it, how program improvements are approved and implemented)
Note: If assessment findings were not reported for your program in academic year 2023-24, please submit a report for one student learning outcome.
For assistance: Please contact Jeannie DeClerck, Assessment Manager in the ACE Office at or Office hours, with representatives from the Assessment Council and ACE Office, will be announced for weeks 9-12.