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Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar
Dan Titze, Research Physical Scientist, NOAA - Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
The NOAA Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS) provides real-time forecast guidance on Great Lakes water levels, water currents, water temperatures, and ice cover. This seminar will provide an overview of this operational modeling system, including the types of data it relies on and the output it produces, as well as ongoing research and development in coastal coupling to improve Great Lakes hydrodynamic modeling. Coastal coupling is the linking of the Great Lakes domain with the overland/riverine domain to improve simulation of coastal processes, including nearshore water levels, currents, and coastal inundation. Three examples of GLERL’s research in coastal coupling are presented, including 1) the development of a flood forecasting system for Lake Champlain, 2) flood simulations conducted for past flood events in Duluth-Superior Harbor, and 3) upgrading the Lake Ontario operational forecast system to simulate coastal flooding, with funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
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