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EPSSI Seminar: Dr. Tracey Holloway, University of Wisconsin-Madison

This is a past event.

Monday, September 30, 2019, 4:05 pm– 5:05 pm

This is a past event.


What’s Next for U.S. Air Quality Management?

The U.S. has regulated air pollution since 1970, with major improvements in the air we breathe.  These benefits have been achieved while the population has grown, energy use has risen, and vehicle miles traveled have tripled. The success in air pollution control to date is a story of regulatory monitoring coupled with emission control technologies. Ground monitors identify where and when ambient pollution levels exceed health-based air quality standards. End-of-pipe controls reduce many emissions at the source. But, this air quality management system is already changing. 


New data and modeling approaches are changing the air quality planning process. Satellite data offer the potential to supplement the existing air monitoring network, an idea explored and advanced by the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST).  Dr. Holloway leads HAQAST, which has evaluated opportunities and challenges in applying satellite data to air quality. Air quality management is also confronting the challenge of energy system change. Carbon control necessitates large-scale changes to electricity production, transportation, and the built environment. These policy and technology options are just beginning to be integrated with air quality management and planning. Dr. Holloway will present research results, outreach experiences, and perspectives on trends in air quality research and policy. 


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  • Xiaodong Zhou
  • Iuliia Tcibulnikova
  • Ryan Kibler

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