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Exploring Structure-Property Relationships in Double Soaked Medium Mn Steels by Multi-Scale, in-situ and ex-situ Characterization

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Thursday, March 31, 2022, 10 am

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Materials Science and Engineering Seminar

Dr. Alexandra Glover

Research and Development Engineer
Sigma Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory


Understanding the contribution and interaction of microstructural constituents during plastic deformation is critical to designing alloys with enhanced mechanical properties. Here, the role of the matrix constituent is explored for multiphase steels containing significant volume fractions of retained austenite. Specifically, through the application of the newly developed double soaking heat treatment, significant volume fractions of martensite can be substituted for the lower-strength ferrite matrix typically present in intercritically annealed medium manganese steels. Comparison of these martensite-austenite and ferrite-austenite microstructures facilitates an exploration of the influence of microstructural constituents on the yielding behavior, work hardening rate, and retained austenite stability. In-situ neutron diffraction is combined with complementary ex-situ characterization techniques, such as dilatometry, X-ray diffraction, transmission Kikuchi diffraction and uniaxial tensile testing, to investigate structure-property relationships for these novel microstructures.


Alexandra Glover is a Research and Development Engineer in the Sigma Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory where she serves as a technical lead for thermomechanical processing and metal component fabrication. She holds a PhD from Colorado School of Mines in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and a BS in Material Science and Engineering from Michigan Technological University. Her research interests include the development of high-performance ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, deformation and formability of metals, and characterization of microstructure-mechanical property relationships for multi-phase materials across a variety of length scales.

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