Events Calendar

Innovative Infrastructure Repair of Deep Foundations

This is a past event.

Thursday, February 16, 2017, 4 pm– 5 pm

This is a past event.

Using Ground Treatments and Ground Improvements

Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar

Curt Fitzgerald, PE
Regional Manager
Spartan Specialties, LTD
Sterling Heights, MI

Abstract: The presentation will be an overview of a variety of innovative geotechnical construction applications associated with deep foundations repair, earth retention, ground treatment, and ground improvement.  Applications will be reviewed in detail looking at the reasons and conditions for their consideration, along with installation methods and materials associated with each.  Examples of projects will also be provided in the presentation

Bio: Curt Fitzgerald, PE, has close to twenty years of experience in the geotechnical construction industry with both geotechnical construction and consulting firms.  Before obtaining a degree in civil engineering from Michigan Technological University, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a Gulf War (Desert Storm) Veteran.  Mr. Fitzgerald has been involved with geotechnical construction projects within the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Midwest regions of the United States.  Projects have included the installation and load testing of micropiles, earth/rock anchors, soil nails and shotcrete, stone columns, jet grouting, and compaction grouting for new construction and rehabilitation projects.  Mr. Fitzgerald has co-authored multiple case studies and was a contributor of the Compaction Grouting Consensus Guide published by ASCE/G-I in 2010.  Currently he is the west Michigan regional manager for Spartan Specialties.  

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