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How the rock connects us: Geoheritage of Keweenaw and Isle Royale
A new book aimed at interpretation of the earth science of our geoheritage-rich area for a general public has been published by the Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association (IRKPA). The book is authored by Bill Rose and Erika Vye, with help from Val Martin. It represents years of effort by the authors to help build appreciation of many key geologically significant elements and how they have shaped human history, beginning with metal mining by the first americans thousands of years ago. The Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw sponsors a book signing event. There is a new display of Keweenaw Basalts to view and a creative new Story Map created by Daniel Lizzadro McPherson being demonstrated. Geoheritage awareness is aimed to support geotourism.
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