This is a past event.
Co-founder Twin Cities Innovation Alliance (TCIA) & Executive Director, Midwest Center for School Transformation (MCST) in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
As an interdisciplinary and cross-sector thought leader, Marika Pfefferkorn is a change agent working to transform systems and improve outcomes for youth and communities of color across education, technology, and economic growth and vitality. Ms. Pfefferkorn works through policy, research and practice to end school push out at federal, state and local levels. Most recently focusing on the Cradle to Prison Algorithm, an emerging technological trend in education and juvenile justice equating the next iteration and expansion of the school to prison pipeline. She combines the work of community organizing and advocacy to facilitate community-centered solutions that reflect the interests of youth, families, and communities of color and marginalized communities. This work is grounded in principles of social justice and human dignity. Sponsored by the Institute for Policy, Ethics, and Culture at Michigan Tech.
Great way to begin the techno-cultural conversation so important to our world now and in the future.