This is a past event.
The Modern Languages Program is excited to present one more year its ML Film Series. This year’s theme is Social Justice.
We will watch the movies in original version with English subtitles. The films will screen at 7PM in Fisher 135. They are free and open to the public.
Thursday, February 23rd:
Balloon (Ballon), dir. Herbig, 2018, Germany – 125mn
Thüringen, Summer 1979. The Strelzyk and Wetzel families have been working on an audacious plan for more than two years: they want to flee East Germany in a self-made hot-air balloon. But the balloon crash-lands just before the West German border. The Stasi finds traces of the attempted escape and launches immediately an investigation, while the two families are forced, under extreme time pressure, to build a new escape balloon. The Stasi get closer and closer each day – a nerve-racking battle against the clock begins.
Other films and dates:
Thursday, March 16th - Synonyms (Synonymes), dir. Lapid, 2018, France, Israel – 123mn
Thursday, March 23rd - Identifying Features (Sin señas particulares), dir. Valadez, 2020, México, Spain – 95mn
See you at the movies!
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