This is a past event.
Husky Bites presents Special Guest Robert Nemiroff
Professor, Physics
Michigan Technological University
Alice Allen
Faculty Specialist in the Astronomy Department at the University of Maryland, College Park
Editor in Chief of the Astrophysics Source Code Library
Q: What’s translated by volunteers into 20 languages daily, accessed over 1 million times per day on average and has a massive number of followers on Facebook (about 400,000), Instagram (about 800,000) and Twitter (about 1 million)?
A: It’s APOD: Astronomy Picture of the Day, one of NASA’s most popular websites. Not yet aware of it? Then you’re in for a treat! Each day a different photo of our fascinating universe is featured. Don’t miss your chance during Husky Bites to hear the stories and science behind these NASA images and videos, from Prof. Nemiroff himself. He created APOD and runs it along with Alice Allen, one of its biggest and earliest fans. She volunteered to help out and soon took expert care of APOD's discussion board and Facebook page in her spare time, evenings and weekends. During Husky Bites they’ll take us on their own magnificent, curated journey to discover the cosmos!
Read the full blog post here.
Join us early at 5:45 p.m. for conversation and a weather update.
About Husky Bites
Husky Bites are free 20-minute Interactive Zoom Webinars from the College of Engineering at Michigan Tech. Time after for Q&A.
Series Host
Janet Callahan
Dean of the College of Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Brain Food
Join us for a bite! Grab some dinner with Dean Janet Callahan and a special guest, and learn something new! This family-friendly event is BYOC (bring your own curiosity).
When: Mondays, 6:00 p.m. starting September 13 and held weekly through November.
Register to Stream is for Zoom
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