This is a past event.
Sumit Kumar
Michigan Tech
This talk will have two segments. The first one will cover the results of five years of observations using a suite of instruments over Pune (18° 32′ N, 73° 48′ E, 559 m amsl), India. The second will discuss the results of a camping carried out over an Oceanic region (Bay of Bengal: 80°–100°E, 5°–22°N), surrounded by densely populated and industrialized countries. In particular, I will discuss the optical and chemical properties and the size of atmospheric particulate (Aerosols). Aerosol, although very small in size(less than a micron), pose serious challenges to achieve accurate modelling projections of the future climate of our planet. The difficulty in accurately model the effects of aerosol on the Earth radiative balance is also due to the fact that their properties like size distribution, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor etc., have shown to have large variability from region to region over globe. This talk will highlight some of these complexities and the importance that these observations have for climatic studies.
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