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Did you know that Michigan Tech hosts a regional Patent and Trademark Research Center (PTRC) which is part of the US Patent and Trademark Office’s nationwide program, and that we have intellectual property experts right here on Tech’s campus? If you have questions about Intellectual Property (IP), join us for “Protect Your Innovation.”
Michigan Tech IP expert, Licensed Patent Agent (LPA), Associate Vice President for Research Administration Jim Baker, & Librarian and PTRC Expert Annelise Doll together will provide us with compelling IP scenarios, discuss the fundamentals of intellectual property including patents, trademarks, licensing, and trade secrets.
What practical considerations are involved in protecting your idea and how might intellectual property protections be used as a tool to develop your innovation? Included will be a discussion on how to initiate a prior art discovery with freely available resources at Michigan Tech's PTRC.
This event is open to the public.
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