This is a past event.
Sustainability Film Series presents
Dark Waters (120 min.)
This drama/thriller film follows the story of a corporate defense attorney who takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company, exposing a lengthy history of pollution.
Discussion Facilitator
Rose Turner
PhD Student, Environmental Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Questions about the film series, contact Alan Turnquist at
FREE. $5 suggested donation per film to support the Sustainability Film Series is appreciated. Make donation online or in-person at the film showing
Cosponsored By
Michigan Tech Office of Sustainability and Resilience, Keweenaw Land Trust, Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, Friends of the Land of Keweenaw, MTU College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, MTU Department of Social Sciences Sustainability Science Program, MTU Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering, Michigan Tech Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, Sustainability Demonstration House, MI Tech Great Lakes Research Center, Students for Sustainability, and Refill UP.
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