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Bin Tan
An enhanced TIMESAT algorithm was developed for retrieving vegetation phenology metrics from 250m and 500m spatial resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) vegetation indices (VI) over the North American continent. MODIS VI data were pre-processed using snow-cover and land surface temperature data, and temporally smoothed with the enhanced TIMESAT algorithm. An objective third derivative test was applied to define key phenology dates and retrieve a set of phenology metrics. This algorithm has been applied to two MODIS VIs: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). The comparison between the retrieved phenology metrics and the ground reference indicates satisfied result. All data sets are available through a web-based data distribution system. The phenology metrics has been applied to produce the potential nectar flow date map over the Eastern United States. This set of maps shows the annual variation of 50% nectar flow date. They could be a direction of hunting honeys.
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