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Wildland Fire Measurements: Current and Future Directions of Physics-Based Approaches

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Monday, September 27, 2010, 4 pm

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This is a past event.

Alistair Smith
University of Idaho
with contributions from Robert Kremens (Rochester Institute of Technology), Matthew Dickinson (Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio), and Martin Wooster (King's College London, University of London)

The rigorous evaluation of wildland fire impacts on the biosphere and atmosphere requires methods that can characterize combustion processes across a range of temporal and spatial scales. To overcome several challenges, novel research has been developed to quantify the 1) structure and heterogeneity of the pre-fire vegetation; 2) energy released during the combustion process; and 3) landscape-scale impacts of fire on the biosphere and atmosphere. The grand challenge that this seminar will explore is how to integrate the pre-, active-, and post-fire measurements and physical process models into a single robust and well validated framework.


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