Events Calendar

World War I & the Copper Country Film Series—Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 [The Battle of Näsilinna 1918]

This is a past event.

Thursday, October 11, 2018, 6 pm

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This is a past event.

The Battle of Näsilinnasta in 1918 is Claes Olsson's Finnish drama about the Tampere Battle in the Finnish Civil War. At the center of the film is the 212-strong White Command led by Erik Melin who succeeded on April 3, 1918 to overcome Tammerkoski, cross the red line of defense and move through the city center to Näskalli. The company captured the red Näsilinnan rakennus and held it in a day until they had to retreat over the night over Näsijärvi ice. The script used almost directly mirrors the interviews of members of Melin's company made by Konrad Vestlin from 1936 to 1937.

Film is in Finnish with English Subtitles.

Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918

WWI Remembered: The Copper Country is made possible in part by a grant from Michigan Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or Michigan Humanities Council.

For a complete list of WWI and The Copper Country events in the community please visit our Events Calendar.

Image from IMDB

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  • 435 Quincy St, Hancock, MI 49930
  • Jarrod Hanson

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