Named for a former dean, the Meese Center—home to the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences—is located a short walk from the core of campus. The building provides 15,000 square feet of departmental offices, classrooms, and lab space. The ground floor is home to research labs focusing on applied cognitive science, human factors, and human performance.
Follow Place1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931
Visit Place WebsiteNamed for a former dean, the Meese Center—home to the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences—is located a short walk from the core of campus. The building provides 15,000 square feet of departmental offices, classrooms, and lab space. The ground floor is home to research labs focusing on applied cognitive science, human factors, and human performance.
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Thursday, March 28, 2024, 6:30 pm
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